Strategic Direction

Partnerships & Leadership


Lachlan’s Line precinct

Lachlan’s Line is the gateway to Macquarie Park’s employment corridor with new housing close to two Sydney Metro stations and retail amenities.

Our vision to transform a redundant industrial site into an attractive, accessible and connected local destination with apartments, high quality open spaces, parks playgrounds and retails spaces is being realised with thousands of people able to call Lachlan’s Line home.

We are leading this new urban precinct in partnership with the private sector, with new apartment buildings and retail spaces being delivered by others to complement the extensive community infrastructure we delivered prior to residents moving in.

Our significant infrastructure investment at Lachlan’s Line includes regional and local traffic upgrades,
a globally unique pedestrian bridge, and open spaces comprising a skate park, performance stage, rehabilitated riparian area, dog park, community garden, boardwalk and lawn areas.

The public domain maximises accessibility and includes major public artworks including Spire by international artist Matthew Harding, and Town Lights, by local artist Peter McGregor. We also support many community events.
This year we celebrated the opening of Lachlan’s Line pedestrian and cycling bridge. This iconic bridge was designed to strikingly mark and define the public realm identity of Lachlan’s Line for the community. Its will also encourage active and public transport use. The sinuous and spiralling electric blue, first-of-its-kind helix design delivers a unique and memorable landmark.

The next exciting phase for Lachlan’s Line is to build more Affordable Housing for key workers like nurses and retail workers. A partnership project guided by the principles of co-design is underway with a Community Housing Provider, to be selected through a Request for Proposal process.


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